The Ink-Drop style interaction that is added in the material design by Google using jQuery and CSS.
The new Design concept MaterialJs launched with the new Google Android 5.0 had a beautiful Ink Drop fading animation for every click. And the same was implemented in the Polymer project as well. So this is just a small breakdown for the same using jQuery and CSS.
Demo Here
How To :
First include the inkdrop.css ,ink.js file and jQuery to your page
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/inkdrops.css'></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src='js/ink.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='js/jquery.min.js'></script>
Then all you have to do is add a class 'inkMe' to the containing element that needs the ink drop effect. And Voila! when you click the element you could see the ink drop dripping
<a class='inkMe'>Regular Link</a>
You can also change the color of the ink ripple by assigning the ink-color attribute any custom class that has the backround-color set. This also works with bootstrap classes like primary, danger, etc.
<button class='inkMe' ink-color='bgBlue'>Blue Ripple on Button</button>
Where bgBlue is
background: #39c;
Also you can add multiple ink-drops overlapping one another by using the multiple-ink attribute
<button class='inkMe' ink-color='bgYellow' multiple-ink=true>Button with Multiple Ripples</button>
Does not work with IE8 and below versions